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Doctor Who - 10 Things need to be done to Get Back On Track

Doctor Who - 10 Things need to be done to Get Back On Track

Doctor Who - 10 Things need to be done to Get Back On Track
Since showrunner Chris Chibnall took control of Doctor Who after Steven Moffatt's exit, the show has become embroiled in controversy, giving up more than half of its initial viewer base since the eleventh episode opening series. This has triggered a mudslinging contest between Chibnall and Whovians who have become upset with the creative directions the show has taken.

Obviously, the doctor who requires a course correction if it hopes to stay. For that reason, we count ten things a Doctor Who must do in order to get back on the right track. While this may be a sensitive topic, it is important for the health and longevity of the show as we move forward.

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A doctor who wasn't very successful when TARDIS started getting too full. Classic Who that proved this during the era of the Fifth Doctor when many companions were glued into one place because the writers were unable to properly fit them. The series is now making the same mistake again.

It is time to shed the load and snip some companions. The thirteenth doctor is not that big on niceties and hugs, so there's no reason to doubt that she'll really enjoy a room full of pals.


The master has been a major plot character since Peter Capaldi's run, and it is time to put him on ice. Missy was great in the traditional Master formula, but her death at the end of season 10 should have signaled to a break.

Instead, the master came back again, not only to rival the doctor but to serve as a conduit for destroying a huge part of the doctor who lore. Either you kill the master permanently or give him a long vacation.


The Master and Cybermen have gone hand-in-hand since Capaldi Run, and they have overstayed their welcome. It was fabulous to see Cybermen Mondasian in Season 10, but this should have been the catalyst for putting them back into the toybox for a while.

Chris Chibnall's initial hesitation to features any classic monsters during his time as an executive producer seems to have gone by the way, as he now relying far too much on these classic villains as part of a larger plot arc.


Chibnall took on the doctor who was largely been used to push his own political views. With no end in sight to the ongoing cultural war between traditionalists and those who consider themselves progressive, many franchises have had their say, and they are not always going well.

Instead of taking his cues from Star Trek: The Next Generation, who brilliantly tackled social and political issues in a clever and non-accusatory way, a doctor who essentially went to the rhythm team, pushed a large portion of his fan base as a result.


It has been established that the 2005-era Doctor is completely different from the classic series, thanks to the trauma suffered during the time war against Daleks. Subsequent doctors teeter-tottered between bitter and resentful, to happiness and joy, but they were all leaders at one point or another. The thirteenth doctor looks less like a leader, more like an unpredictable renegade. Sometimes it works in their favor, but other times it reminds the audience that she can't really be relied upon.

For Whittaker's third series run, fans want to see a doctor embodying the characteristics of her ancestors - most notably confidence, compassion, and warmth. Her blunt response to Graham's admission that he had cancer caused many fans to take a double-take. This is clearly not the doctor they grew up with. With speculation that Whitaker would only partake in three seasons, we'd like to see her character sent off on a high note.


There are rumors about why the writing of the series and Twelve were not exactly equal, but this is neither here nor there. In order to move forward, Doctor Who needs to seriously raise its socks up and start providing better stories. So far, every episode has been discovered in a swamp of conspiracy plot holes, weak character development and unconvincing resolutions to problems.

This is an argument that goes back a number of years, since the quality of writing began to slide around the end of Matt Smith's period. However, Chris Chibnall appears to have accelerated the process, proving that he is not Steven Moffatt or Russell T. Davies. The stories have taken a huge hit, and although they have creaked up a few in-season twelve, we are still in dark territory.



The twelfth season "The Timeless Children" caused almost irreparable damage to doctor who lore, which sparked an immediate backlash from long ago fans. Not only does it cause wreak havoc in the continuity of the series, but it directly contradicts more than 50 years of established Doctor Who plot points.

Attempts have been made to hammer this square peg into a round hole, but it's painful to work at best. For Doctor Who to survive and move forward, this story arc needs to be undone. We call it a trick of Time Lords, a lie told by The Master, or corruption of the Time Lord's matrix that gave false information. Heck, bring the Valeyard back and blame him for the entire thing, Whatever you do just do it,


The problem with universe-sized plot arcs is that eventually, you run out of the universe. Each series in the Doctor Who series tried to one-up itself in terms of spectacle and scale, and this became a major problem for writers who constantly had to yank rabbits out of an empty hat.

The doctor who will benefit greatly from adopting the kinds of smaller-scale arcs that appear in Classic Who. No more stolen planets or rebooted universes or Gallifrey flipping between total annihilation and miraculous return. Some of the best Who stories were self-contained and did not threaten the fabric of reality as we know it.


Jodie Whittaker failed to make the doctor her own. To be fair to her, she's been handed a number of difficult scripts, forcing her to cut and paste various elements from Doctors David Tennant and Matt Smith, respectively. We are now at the end of her second season as the doctor, and Whitaker has been unable to secure the role for herself.

Source: Screenrant

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