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Moon Knight Episode 5 Ending Explained: What Happens To...?

The end of the Moon Knight Episode 5 comes with a terrible development that can see a major character who has been killed - but what does it mean to the MCU series?

Moon Knight Episode 5 Ending Explained: What Happens To...?

The end of the Moon Knight 5 episode comes with great development, as its final scenes advance in a way that raises many questions. Moon Knight Episode 5 follows Mark Spicy and Stephen Grant while exploring Mark's memories while progressing towards Egyptian life. It is important to create Mark as a host and Stephen as one of his alternative identities, but he also tells Mark's tragic loss to his younger brother and his subsequent abusive childhood, providing greater insight into the character and how it became the avatar in Khunsu.

Moon Knight seems to be episode 5 answering the question of why Joncho Mark Spector has chosen to be Moon Fares, but he also presented the development of the most important plot in the series so far. By exploring Mark's past and establishing the history of his separatist identity disorder, Moon Fares has presented episode 5 the greatest vision so far in Mark Spector in MCU. Although it may provide an additional context for the stories of Marc and Steven so far, Moon Knight Episode 5 also has a final development that raises several questions.

In the last scene of Moon Knight Episode 5, Mark and Stephen are attacked by the unbalanced Souls of Duat after they failed to balance their balance. During the fighting about the lives of three of Mark's victims, Stephen is thrown from the Courtship and into the sands of the tools, where he turned into sixty. This balances the standards, and Mark Spector finds himself in the field of reeds. Mark Spector of Moon Knight suddenly finds himself cut off in the afterlife life which makes the end of episode 5 of Moon Knight somewhat confusing, although the episode itself provides evidence of what it might mean.

Is Steven Grant Dead?

Moon Knight Episode 5 Ending Explained: What Happens To...?

The latest development in Episode 5 of Moon Knight is the apparent death of Stephen Grant, who is arguably the lead role in the series thus far. Stephen's landing in the Sands of Duat turns him to stone, as his imbalanced spirit was said to mean he would not be able to pass into the afterlife or through the gates of Osiris. However, the nature of the character means that he is almost certainly not dead, as he exists as one of several identities.

Exactly how the Egyptian Moon Knight deities view Mark Spector's DID has not been properly explored, although the way the identities of Mark and Stephen interact in Episode 5 subtly proves to be a conflict. Although it appears as if Stephen is dead, likely, he is still present as one of the many other lopsided spirits of Duat in the same way that Mark and Stephen attacked Tawert's ship - implying some form of rescue is not. Totally out of the question.

Why Marc Can Go To The Field Of Reeds But [Steven] Can't?

Moon Knight Episode 5 Ending Explained: What Happens To...?

The changes in Moon Knight's Marc Spector play an important role in the characterization of the hero, and the relationship between Mark and Stephen has been a staple of the series so far. Episode 5 of Moon Knight is specifically about the two identities whose differences have reconciled, as Mark shares his past with Stephen to balance their shared spirit. However, a recent twist of the episode complicates the idea, as Stephen gets lost in the Duat while Marc is transported to the Field of Reeds.

Mark's relocation to the Reed Field is an unexpected development, as it turns out to be the most opposing of the two identities. Mark's guilt over his perceived responsibility for his brother's death, as well as his actions while acting as Avatar Koncho, Moon Knight, were major sources of the character's inner conflict. The repercussions of the end of Episode 5 of Moon Knight is that by sharing his memories with Stephen, Mark has forgiven himself and come to terms with his past, and that was enough to earn him a spot in the Reed Field.

Why do the scales balance when Stephen turns to Stone?

Moon Knight Episode 5 Ending Explained: What Happens To...?

The reason for Mark and Stephen's split in the last moments of Episode 5 of Moon Knight was a sudden balancing of the scales. Although it appears that both Mark and Stephen are doomed to a doom sanitizer, the scales balance once Stephen falls from Tawert's ship and turns to stone. Although it may be a coincidence, Stephen's death appears to have been the deciding factor in balancing Libra. Moon Knight's Taweret specifically asked Mark and Stephen to stop hiding from each other, and this is probably the best explanation for balancing a Libra.

Resisting Duat's spirits, Stephen showed his acceptance that he is capable of everything he is Mark. This is significant because it was the last barrier between the two identities, especially since Mark's protection of Stephen from his memories is slowly dismantled during Episode 5. Stephen's acceptance that he was created by Mark comes before he turns to stone, and this seems likely an explanation for why the scales balance right after his sacrifice.

What happens to Mark Spector if Stephen dies?

Moon Knight Episode 5 Ending Explained: What Happens To...?

Whether or not Stephen Grant died is not explicitly clear, though it does largely involve the ending of Moon Knight 5 episode. Mark Spector's dissociative identity disorder is an important part of the character, and Stephen Grant has been one of the series' most important heroes even right Now. While Episode Five of Moon Knight reveals Mark as the host's identity and Stephen as a surrogate, the exact nature of how Mark deals with the loss of Stephen is unclear.

This idea is complicated by the apparent nature of Stephen's death. He wasn't killed in the physical sense, because technically Mark's body was already dead, and both identities were on their way to the afterlife. Instead, Stephen's soul is trapped in Duat, separated from Mark's soul found in a field of reeds. If Stephen is already dead, Moon Knight will likely make a third replacement or find some way to bring Stephen back. Spector DID is an important part of personality and the death of the variant is not something to take lightly, even if the context of his apparent death makes his return possible.

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