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How To Train Your Dragon: Top 7 Strongest Dragons |
Dragons are some of the most scary creatures in the How to Train Your Dragon universe. They are powerful, wild, and unpredictable. Those creatures come in many shapes and sizes, from small to massive and frightening. Some breathe fire, while others have sharp claws and teeth that crush anything.
But dragons aren't just dangerous because of their looks. They can destroy villages, burn forests, and even sink ships. Many people in this world fear them because of the chaos they do. Even the boldest Vikings struggle to keep up with their swiftness and strength.
However, dragons are not all evil. Some are misunderstood, and a few have even become loyal companions to the main characters. This blog’ll explore seven of the most feared dragons in the How to Train Your Dragon universe.
How to Train Your Dragon: A Closer Look at Toothless
7: Monstrous Nightmare
Among the most powerful dragons in How to Train Your Dragon, Nightmare possesses a kerosene-like fire. It spreads like a liquid through wood, stone, and metal, allowing it to cling to most objects long after the dragon has finished attacking. This extends to Nightmare’s scales themselves, which allow the dragon to cover itself in a cloak of flames to further intimidate its enemies. It may not be the strangest dragon in movies, but it is among the most dangerous.
6: Death Song
While their abilities may not be as impressive as other dragons, Death Songs stand out from the crowd due to how effective and terrifying they are as predators. Their hypnotic melody is only resisted by a few dragon species due to their poor hearing, and once trapped in the amber, the prey becomes trapped and can only escape if someone else can use flames to melt them. Should these abilities fail, Death Songs can use their incredible size and strength to fight off rivals.
5: Skrill
Skrill creatures have many unique and varied ways in which they can use lightning in combat against other dragons. These include firing lightning bolts, using electrical barriers to protect themselves from dragon fire, and even riding lightning to travel great distances in the blink of an eye. They can also hibernate in ice for extended periods while waiting for another lightning storm, and if enraged, will hunt their enemies to the ends of the earth.
4: Screaming Death
A newborn dragon, Screaming Death is the size of its mother and grows larger as it ages. It is an extremely aggressive dragon, capable of flooding islands by burrowing into them, and in battle, it can fire its tail spikes as projectiles along with machine gun-like fireballs. And if that wasn't bad enough, it can also command its Whispering Death siblings to help it hunt or even carry it away if it gets injured.
3: Red Death
The Red Death is one of the largest dragon species in the films, ruling over smaller dragons like a queen. He creates a lair deep within the isolated mountains and lures other dragons there to gather food for him. If they fail, the Red Death makes them a meal.
If danger comes to the nest, the Red Death will fight back with its massive size, spiked tail, and far-reaching flames. The Red Death also has six eyes, making it difficult to find a blind spot, and can maneuver well in the air for a creature of his size. However, he cannot fully control the mind of his dragons, so he cannot rely on them to support him in combat.
2: Bewilderbeast
While each dragon nest is ruled by a queen, the queen herself will follow the orders of the alpha dragon. While Toothless has shown that any species can become an alpha, few achieve this position as naturally as the Bewilderbeast, among the giant creatures in the films. These giant sea dragons are the largest of the dragon subspecies and possess an innate ability to control other dragons.
Most Bewilderbeasts do not have to use their mind control powers on other dragons, instead earning their loyalty through kindness. They create dens for their flock away from others, carving them out of their icy breath and providing food by gathering huge shoals of fish. The alpha will not hesitate to fight back if the den is attacked, especially by another Bewilderbeast.
1: Night Fury/Light Fury
They are similar to Night Furies but not quite the same, or as Hiccup describes them in How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, they are "more like a Bright... Fury". Light Fury dragons are slightly smaller but still very powerful and are related to Night Furies. They are elegant and intelligent, which makes them useful due to their tendency to be suspicious of others.
While Toothless has shown how kind and compassionate the Night Fury is, he also demonstrates their destructive capabilities, proving them to be the most powerful dragons in How to Train Your Dragon. Instead of breathing fire, the Night Fury directs concentrated blasts of plasma at their enemies, giving them precise control over who or what they burn. They also possess a mastery of storms and can gather lightning around themselves to temporarily invisibility.