Note: I apologize for the mistakes in the articles, English is my second language

Supernatural's Future: Revival, What's Next?

Supernatural's Future: Revival, What's Next?

Welcome back Nation, What's the next steps after completing the long-awaited series, after 15 years in the family business Saving people and hunting things, from the Supernatural series What will happen after the heads of vampires are cut off and demons are killed, Sam and Dean Winchester embark on a final hunt in their final episode "Carry on" Where is Chuck was defeated by charged-up Jack, and after the disappearance of all humans from the planet after defeating Chuck, Jack returns them all back to become the new God and leaves the world unprotected again. But after a 15-year impact on the lives of the Winchester brothers from Chuck, they became for the first time in their lives to be free from Chuck's pen. They could finally write their own story, and the episode was full of exciting events where Lucifer was resurrected from the empty to fight with his Archangel Michael, 

Named after the Supernatural-based rock anthem, "Carry On" delivers an emotionally charged finale to one of TV's most beloved sibling duos. The past is honored in a nostalgic style, and Winchesters' book ends in a touching final chapter. Many viewers (after they finish crying through all of Kleenex within a 5-mile radius) will wonder what will happen next to Supernatural. This is what we know so far. When posterity is immersed in Supernatural on the streaming platform of their choice, they will be disappointed that the "Next Episode" button does not appear after the end of Season 15. Despite the impressive longevity of the Winchester brothers, Supernatural inevitably suffered from a decrease in viewership, critical reception, and creativity. After Supernatural's final roll-out, the producers and cast described the show as reaching its natural conclusion, and most fans would probably agree with those sentiments, albeit reluctantly.

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How Supernatural's Story Can Continue

Dean winchester Final Death

At this point, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki leave the door open for a supernatural continuation - a really wise career move. A decade later, rumors of a one-off supernatural, but reality will depend entirely on how Ackles and Padalecki have performed in post-Winchester roles. If any of the actors go to Hollywood stardom or land a sexy starring role in a hot Netflix original movie, a supernatural comeback of any kind starts to seem unlikely. If both boys are available, and there is interest, then an extraordinary continuation cannot be excluded.

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Thankfully, Supernatural is the kind of show where resurrection is always on the list. A character could be instantly killed by a divine being and still appear in the next episode unscathed, and fans no longer blink their eyes at those tricks. There are plenty of ways for the Winchester siblings to return in the future and plenty of reasons for doing so. The easiest option is for Jack to temporarily resurrect Dean to help his brother and nephew defeat an especially difficult villain. 

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